Yes, but what about today?

I continue to find myself in today. God continues to remind me that tomorrow is in His hands, and that I need to focus on fighting to be counter-culture thinking and follow Jesus today. Today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not for Christmas. Not when we get to NYC. Today. Now. Where are you at? I am here, and I am now. Tomorrow may never come for us, but by the grace of God we will live to see another day. Only by His grace and if He chooses to bless us with another day. So Today I try to follow Him. But people around you try to drag you to the bottom of the lake. Sin and darkness surround us in every moment of every day-even when we are with our 'church friends'.

So today I try to follow Jesus. It is not easy. It is a narrow gate. See Matthew 7:

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Only a few find it. I am not perfect, and I can only fear the Lord and put my hope in the fact that his grace is sufficient to keep me on the narrow path. I ask for his forgiveness in my sin, and hope that today I can make the right choices and show others the love that I have experienced. So today I will strive for good.

PS-I did win the NASCAR leagues that I was in this year. That's right, I'm a champion


K said…
Whatever Champion.

Funny you would post that today. Last night as I was praying I was getting a little carried away and worried about the future. Then I realized, all I had was that minute for sure, so I just prayed I'd have a good night sleep and the rest may or may not be a problem for me.

Wouldn't you know I had a great night sleep? I didn't stay up and worry all night long about how to pay for things and how long I'd have a job.
Anonymous said…
Did you get paid?

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