Proud Principal

I am not only the PIR at my school where I 'work', but I consider myself the educational leader of the Casa de Kelly Academy on Woodside. Today, I had the privilege of attending the morning session at CdKA. I can tell you that I could not be prouder of my chicas bonitas. Olivia is such a smart kid, and she just trucks along with math and other tasks like there is nothing hard in the world. Alli knocked my boots off with her incredible writing about a book they are reading with the star. All this, and the dancing to start the day, and in between activities, and snuggling on the couch while we read, and the smiles and love that is demonstrated in our 'classroom'. Life is good, and I couldn't be more proud of all my girls, star included, and I can't wait to see what great benefits all three of them gain from the 2008/2009 school year at CdKA.


Anonymous said…
Mighty nice way to spend the day!! Glad you got the grand tour and not just the night time updates. How wonderful that the day proceeded as "normal", when our principle is here for the day the plans seem twist a bit. But we love those days too. Pickel Head

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