
That word can be so powerful, and if you don't know how to do it, you are dead. If you can't learn continuously for a lifetime, you are going to go down, and hard. You have to be able to learn how to eat, how to use the bathroom, how to speak. You have to learn how to 'behave appropriately'. You have to learn at the bare minimum some basic skills in order to be able to acquire a job and pay for food and rent.
But let's move on to adulthood. The average person today will transfer between 12 jobs in their lifetime. For my dad's generation, it was one change. I heard the other day that the kids that graduate from high school this year will change at least 17 times in their work career. You can't do that without new learning. Not to mention the complexities of life in general as an adult, and learning and relearning, and new learning on how to live in this society. Then take into account the mobility of people in the world today.
Which brings me to today. I am learning so much in my new company. I love to learn, so that makes it even more special to me. But it is quite an honor to know that God has put me here, and that perhaps he put me in an incredible company because he wants to bless me. He put me in a building where people enjoy the process of work, and enjoy each other along the way. He placed me in a company that values morality, and is purposeful in what it does to serve others, and not themselves.
So I sit in gr, in a starbucks off the lobby awaiting the first of my principal meetings. I am certain that I will learn today, and I am excited to do so. The excitement of being a principal in a new school is not only intriguing to me, but energizing to know that I have time to really think about what it is going to look like. To plan some key elements to create opportunities for success. I wonder if God does this before he creates a human life? I wonder if he does this when someone trusts in Him more, and so He takes time to create opportunities for that person? I wonder if he waits for us to trust Him, and when we do, only then, He can move on with His plans for our learning.


Morgan's Mom said…
HEY in gr are you staying at the Amway Grand? I was just there for hearts at home, beautiful hotel, and yummy Starbucks.
God sure does put you in some great places to contemplate His plan for you!!
Anonymous said…
Learning is such an awesome privilege. And I praise God that both of our girls do not have struggles in that area. I, too feel blessed beyond all comprehension that I am learning while I teach my kids. I never could have planned this course. God's plan is so much sweeter than my own!

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