
Showing posts from 2014

Where is your passion?

This summer, I had someone ask me a question: "If you could make up a job for yourself, what would it be?"  Being a principal certainly did not pop into my head.  Don't take this the wrong way.  I enjoy my job - most of the time.  I do feel like in America educators were once valued by the general populous.  Not so anymore.  That's your job.  Your scores aren't high enough.  You are over budget.  Your parents aren't highly satisfied.  As if a principal of a school might have ultimate power of influence over the surrounding lives and setting events for staff, students, parents, and community.  As if we go in our office and pull out our magic wand and pull the proverbial rabbit out of our hat.  It is not so.  It is a rewarding job when you see students and staff growing.  It is rewarding when a parent thanks you for knowing their daughter's first name.  But the passion for education for me seems to be fading.  I have felt that God has been nudging me to som

This is Not Complete.

Once again, I have many things to blog about, but always say "oh, i need to blog this."  "Oh, I need to write about that."  Etcetera.  But driving in your car at least 10 hours a week seems to limit the production.  I know that I am not done learning what God wants me to know just now.  I know He is teaching me something.  It is such a challenge for me to hear people proclaim words, and then not live up to them.  And I am 169% certain that I have not lived up to other people's expectations and let them down.  I am trying more and more to own that.  I really wish I could not do that.  I recently posted on the Twitter that I struggle with showing others grace and love when they treat me wrong/without respect/as if I am an idiot/fill in the blank.  But this is precisely what I do to Christ Jesus throughout my days.  I treat him as if though he is nothing.  I don't listen to what God has taught me in my 44 years or so, and don't apply that learning in fine

'Regenerated Rejuvenation'

August of 2014, and I have not posted in so many months.  Last year in fact. Hard to believe that much time has passed, and how quickly it goes by.  For those that have followed this blog in the past, I have had a couple of you approach me, or even someone that I have known for years and she stumbled upon this and we engaged on a different level of being real with each other about the facts of life.  Know that many moments in my life pop into my head as bloggable.  Sometimes just the simple joy of a hug from my beautiful Alli when I come in the door, others kairos moments where God reveals something revelational in the quiet of a summer morn, the joy of music piercing my soul with the love that Jesus Christ, the savior of the world pours into me through magical notes that pleasure my soul somewhere I can't physically explain to you, the tears that come when my neighbor asks if I would get in the pool with him and be there to dunk him in baptism.  Life is some crazy sh#$ brah.  Or