
Showing posts from June, 2020

I apologize, but it will never be enough.

Unprecedented.  Never seen before.  Nothing like this has ever happened.  Unbelievable.  These are things I have heard people say recently.  Have you heard people saying these types of things?  Asking for a friend. Covid 19 Pandemic 80% of the world on stay home/lock-down Nearly all businesses closed for months Education system in this country forced into a virtual environment without preparation George Floyd murdered for the world to see Riots/Looting across the country Divisive Hatred encouraged by our own president If you haven't heard any of the comments I started with, the current events I pose may remind you that the statements are common today.   Let me start with this:  I am a white man that learned to be a racist being raised in America.  I can point to the people and places I learned this from:  family (pains me to say that first), friends, colleagues, peer groups, media sources, textbooks, teachers (that one hurts too), curriculum, literature, movies, music,