Jesus is my work out partner

Today I finished week one of Couch potato to 5k. It is getting easier as I go. But I had many thoughts as I ran today. Jesus is my work out partner. Why, because physically I couldn't run a mile. But I just keep going, and ask Jesus to help me run, and it gets easier. Why am I running? Because I was always the guy that said "I hate running. I don't even get people who run." But I do know that I have not been taking care of my body. But because of my pursuit of a relationship with God that is more intense than I have worked in the past, I continue to see God work on my physical body. I am not smoking (38 days mg!), I don't drink as much, I am eating healthy, and I am losing weight. Here's why:

19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

I know I have not honored God with my body in the past, and I am no where near perfect on this, but I know I am doing better in honoring God with my body.
Here is some learning I had today. Just like my commitment to spending time in the word, time in prayer, and time listening to God-my spirituality blossomed. Just like when you pour energy into relationships with others, that deepens your relationship with those you pour into. Just as I spend more time knowing Jesus, and knowing God's word, I grow closer to him. The same is true about my body. The more I treat it as a temple and take care of it, the more I am honoring God. The more I run, the easier it gets to take care of my body. The more I work toward understanding how Jesus wants me to live, the easier it gets. So Jesus is teaching me in my spiritual life. So Jesus is teaching me in my intellectual life. So Jesus is teaching me in my physical life. It's pretty cool that I can put my ipod in and spend time with Him in multiple arenas. Thanks for working out with me, Jesus. I'll see you tomorrow on the dreadmill.....


Anonymous said…
DId you intend to spell treadmill with a "d"? Ha. I started each new semester in health and fitness class with that verse! It's powerful! I am so happy to see you connecting your physical self with all other areas of growth. I can't even tell you what it means to ME to have you taking better care of your health. Funny how that works, in honoring God and His prompting, you honor your famiy as well.
K said…
Running is stupid. But since the website says anyone can do it, I finished week one too. Of course, I wasn't right on track. I'd jog for a minute and then walk for two. And I have to jog in place indoors, because my asthma is too much in the cold... might be easier to do outside though if I drop some weight. Baby steps, my body thinks running is stupid too, but it liked what we did last week.

Thanks for challening me with your blog!

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