Boys to Men

Just want to give a shout out to my boys to men group. Cay-uh and sick pete. Thanks for pushing me up when I fall down. Thanks for encouraging me to follow Jesus, and live the way God wants me to live. Thanks for being real and sharing your struggles. Thanks for giving me the honor in sharing in your celebrations of God working in your life.
As we met Friday morning, I realized how much I missed meeting with pastor to focus my boydom to manhood walk. Having a christian man to pour into my life is something that I have always needed, especially with how stupid I usually am. Pretzel used to do that, and for years I asked for someone. Then came along pastor. That was an incredible spring board in my spirituality, my listening to Jesus, and my personal growth. Then pastor goes and leaves me-just kidding-he moves on to serve others and follow Jesus. So, my own dumbness kicks in without having a set time to meet with him. I can't wait to get to nyc so that we can pick up where we left off. But then I won't have cay-uh, and I'm not sure when sick pete will go....

So what I'm saying is if you are a man-you need to find people around you to support you in your walk. My suggestion is this-don't try to create an intimate group with a LOT of people. Make it small and go from there. Commit to meeting, and don't let it stop, no matter what. Make the time and don't ever let life get in the way. Because it will not work without your commitment. Go. As Liv would say "Hey. Do it."


Anonymous said…
Wisdom of Solomon.

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