Couch Potato to 5K

Today is the first day of the new nine week program to get my big butt into a regular regimen of running. It seems odd that I am even saying that at all. I used to be the guy that would say "I hate running" , "I don't get it", and when the superstar would say 'I'm going to go for a run', I would think in my head: "Well, you're stupid."

But mg mentioned the couch potato to 5k regimen, and that is laid out over nine weeks. So that is what I'm doing. To get more info, click here. Today was day one. Like I have said, I feel like I need to get my body prepared for the city life. Lots of walking, lots of walking, lots of walking. And considering the fact that I ran three miles last week, I am pretty sure I can do this. (Although I don't suggest a two hour raquetball session during the same week that you run three miles for the first time in twenty years) Just a suggestion. So today I started my running program. Crazy, I know. Maybe you should do it too. I asked smartin if she wanted to, but she didn't seem to crazy about the idea either.

On a serious tip, Superstar told me of a quiet time moment that Allison had this week. The star has them take quiet time to pray and to journal (I wish someone had taught me that at such an early age!) So alli tells Char that when she was praying, she just was thinking about the homeless and how we could fit a lot of people into our basement for a place to live, and how she worries about them, etc. Not the exact words, but you get the jist. Then she said she was picturing us fixing the place up with the guy that I met there-the day we went to clean up the park, I met a guy that was thinking about buying a building and turning it into a shelter-we were cleaning it and fixing it up. I mean-seriously-this is my nine year old. I know that God made her to care SO MUCH and SO DEEPLY for others. That is just in her DNA God gave her. I can't wait to see what God will do with that for the rest of her life. I love that kid with all my guts.


Right before I left for NY, I was in week 4 of from couch potato to 5k. It's easy and awesome you're running! Seems like a lot of Communitas are runners.
K said…
Ever since Allison was born and I realized how much a relationship with God is so important to life, I've wondered.... what will a little girl grow up to be, surrounded by Christ? What will that look like? I just love watching her learn and grow as a little girl with a loving family and most importantly a LOVING GOD!!!
Sonyia said…
I started this this past summer (Kate did shortly after me too) but I didn't get very far. I sure hope you do much better than I did!

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