First Snow, Falling Again, Et. Al.

Yesterday marked the first snowfall of the year that I have witnessed. I knew it was coming, but walking in gr at night getting hit by snow, sitting in the lobby watching snow go by the glass walls in a horizontal line. Just doesn't seem like it is that time yet. All that and when I wake up and look out the window (if I am lucky enough to stay in bed until after the sun is up....) there are no leaves on the trees. As superstar often states..........everything is brown.......but for not at least the grass is still green...hooray!

Falling. Falling. Falling. I understand that Satan is the enemy. He attacks like a lion sneaking around you. So if we all know that, why do we not fight mightily? Why do we serve ourselves and not try to at least punch the lion in the mouth? I am struggling with maitaining the focus on Jesus. And the more I let my focus wander, the more I slip and fall. So I need to step up my focus on Christ, and my commitment to Him being the center of my life. Is it even possible to do that in this world of darkness? Is it even possible to succeed in this monumental task? It is if we TOTALLY and COMPLETELY submit. So why don't we if we know how? I struggle with this daily. Rollar coaster ride. Some ups some downs. I hate the downs. And I don't like to use the word hate.

Et.Al.-I am certainly gaining a big place in my heart for the staff at my school. How did I det so lucky to have been placed in a school where people are honest. Where laughter is valued. Where the commitment to kids and their achievement isn't something that pays lip service, but something that is worked toward and is the only commitment that is always present. Peace out to my homies from the garden level. They don't even know about this blog, but maybe some day...
Et.Al.-My chair is comfortable moving my proposal forward to the committee as soon as he can get a date together for everyone. Translation-Dr. T$ is close at hand.
Et.Al.-I love my wife. She is beautiful beyond my imagination. Kissing her is something I dream about daily. Whether I am 'on the road' or not.
Et.Al.-Got to talk to pastor tonight via the telephone. He shared a vision/dream/something that he had planting tulip bulbs. God was telling him there would be a period of darkness before the harvest. I feel like we are in the period of darkness not being in nyc. I am NOT wishing away my time in MI, but I certainly can't wait to find a deli where he and I can meet weekly when I do move to nyc. (Thanks for the encouragement, pastor.)
Et. Al.-The IPOD could very well be the greatest creation EVAR.
Et.Al.-I ran a half mile Sunday evening. After riding nine or so miles on the stationary bike. I have not run a mile since high school. So at this pace, I should be ready for the New York Marathon next year. Or not.

Much love.


Anonymous said…
We live in a fallen world, and it's so hard to put our entire life into the hands of Jesus. It's so tempting to just offer him a piece of it. Even a big old piece. Still not enough. It's gotta be ALL. It's SO HARD. Like Boyd says, we are a living sacrifice, and we keep crawling off the alter and have to put ourselves back on!
K said…
The enemy is right next to me lately, ROARING my failures at me every moment. It's so hard not to focus on that when I have a need that I am not able to meet. My daily struggle to trust it all is an everpresent issue now.

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