November Nuances

It is hard to believe that it is November today. As I grow older, each year seems to go faster and faster. I love November-fall colors, Thanksgiving, superstar and my birthday, getting closer to Christmas. What's not to love?
To finish October off, my nugget cousin, mg, the donald, cdubs, hammy and mrs. hammy all came over to hang out. Star, the nugget, and the girls and grma went trick or treating. It was so nice out, we sat out on the porch and handed out candy. It has been quite a few years (not sure I remember ?) since I was able to sit outside in shorts and hand out candy. Usually, you need to put winter coats on under the kids we hung out and played loaded questions until 1 am. It was a riot. Thanks to all my peeps for the laughs.
So for November, sick pete, cay-uh and I are reading a book of Proverbs each day. (Why don't you join us?) There is so much wisdom packed into this part of the bible. Today in 1, I read in verse 33: 'but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.' This explains quite well where I am at right now. If you look at the title page of my blog-you see it written...'trying to follow God's plan, not mine.' A big part of this over the last year has been really engaging in the listening to God part of my faith. Believe me, it has been quite a challenge to say the least. But the more I listen, the more I hear. And verse 33 says it so well, when I listen, I live in that safety and ease that is indescribeable, that surpasses all understanding as Paul puts it. I am so thankful that I am learning to listen, and that God has opened my ears to His voice.


Anonymous said…
I laughed so much playing that game, I lost my voice!
K said…
I needed a challenge. I'm in for Proverbs for November. I like how in The Message version we are called simpletons and idiots if we don't listen to God. How true! And how often I can feel that way when I'm not in His Word!

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