Serving in Detroit-part deaux

This is my new boy-Carter. Lost his job to a lay off. Wife is living with his mother in law. He is staying in a shelter because he lost his apartment by not keeping up. The frustration he explained to me was pungeant. He was upset that he didn't get hired at McDonalds because a younger kid got the job. He told me about needing to get to Birmingham to apply for a janitorial gig, but no bus fare. I gave him the bus fare and some extra. We prayed together. Have to be honest, kind of odd praying with a total stranger. But his eyes welled up, and he told me this was a moment he would never forget. He promised he would come back next month to see me. We hugged and cried together. God loves him more than I do, but I had compassion for him in his position. He was thankful. He was happy for a little while. I pray that God will bless him.


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