My new bff's

So for KKFT we did a fun thing with the girls-you pose a question and write down three things-Example-favorite food-burger, tacos, good bread. It was fun, then you guess what the others in your family wrote. So Superstar reads the question-Your three best friends. Huh. Tough to answer. Of course, fish man pops in my head because we haven't seen each other in years, but when we do, it's as if no time has passed. Berman pops in my head because we have been friends for 12 years now (ouch-i'm old), or mg, or the Donald, or.....huh. Tough to answer. But how do we define freindship? If it is someone that really knows your heart, really knows everything, really holds you accountable, really has had profound conversations? Superstar rises to the top, of course. Funny, but I never would have put her on that list in the past. Not implying anything here, just being honest, but I contend that we are closer now than ever. (Have I mentioned that I love her? See the post "Superstar is my lover.") Also, the Pastor comes to the top. I've never been so open with a man before about my heart, and I know that God put him in my life for that reason. Last is a tie between mg and sick pete. I know that I can't maintain the same friendship with mg in nyc via the distance, and that saddens me, but I am sure that God will put another Christian man in his life if he pursues it, and I think sick pete is taking mg's place when we move. I am so fortunate to have many friends that I would put in the top ten, so this was a challenge. Who are your top three bff's?


Anonymous said…
I am sad also because two of my BFFs are leaving the state. But as you said, if we ask God he will provide all the friends, qcquanitances, chums, companions, confidants, or pals that I need. I will put myself in His capable hands and not fret over the removal of my Bestest most Wonderful Sis or BFF Jen.
K said…
My BFF lives in North Carolina and we have maintained that BFF for so many years since college. My second would by my mom and third, my brother Tito....
Sonyia said…
First, what is KKFT? Second, by far Superstart has to become my BFF whether she likes it or not! I told her that way back in September while in NYC. No one else I know is in this same journey as us with kids our same age. I truly believe HE planned the September Plunge so that our families could meet. My friends here are already drifting away. HE even gave me a scrapping buddy (M) to replace my friend Andrea whom I scrap regularly with. That was my only other concern - who would scrap with me : )
Sick Pete said…
Make new friends, but keep the old - One is silver and the other's gold.

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