
I know I need to be more patient. Superstar and I have always lived together and made our 'big' decisions pretty quickly. Perhaps God is demonstrating how patience can lead you to better things. The star and I have had something before us.....conversation for as long as it takes, usually not more than an hour...then decide. So we didn't really follow that for NY, but it is challenging us to be patient. I have all my faith in Christ Jesus. That doesn't mean that my human tendency to question and doubt is gone for sure. I do know that God does not want to lead me astray. He toedmedat. And so, I am standing at the Red Sea-or is that the Hudson River?-waiting for it to part. I see others on the other side of the sea, and those standing around me on this side. I look forward to seeing the sea crash over the egyptians in my life as kkft begins in nyc.


K said…
don't you hate when you have to wait for God? let's see you've been waiting how long? lets compare that to Abraham getting his son, as my mom always says "sit down and shut up", it will come :)

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