I'm not Freaking Out. Relax.

So I suppose I'm not suppose to leave a questioning post on my blog. Thanks to all my homeys that were concerned with my last post, but it was simply my random blabbing. I'm still committed to NYC, I'm not doubting that AT ALL. The thing I was writing about is something else that if it is really God calling me, it is going to change things. Again. Imagine that, God changing the direction of your life. Huh, I've never experienced that before. (If you don't know me, that is sarcasm) The post was almost my thought process on this thing. And it only came before me on Tuesday, so my tendency to be unpatient shines through. I (along with Superstar) would like to talk about it for 30 seconds, then move on. That's not how God continues to open the doors to NYC, and i am still learning the patience is a virtue thing. Relax. I'm not freaking out. I'm just processing along with you. But like I said, thanks for all my homeys.


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