Listen. Obey. Pray.

If you can do these three things, you can follow Jesus. God will reveal himself to you throught the Holy Spirit. He will speak to you. My faith has never been stronger-because I have been consistently doing these three things. I always thought people were freaks that talked like this, or said they heard God speak to them. Now I know that I was the freak that didn't want to humble himself before God and confess my sins. If you don't confess first (AND I MEAN EVERYTHING), his voice will be clouded by your sin. If you truly make the choice to believe in Jesus Christ, and submit ALL to the creator of the universe, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and reveal God's word to you. I believe. Therefore, I am going to listen, obey, and pray. Why don't you "Come, follow me?"


Anonymous said…
Sounds like someone may be getting drunk in the spirit a little more often then before. This is fantastic advice that should be shared...I am glad it is out on the web for anyone who needs to hear it can read the truth. Pray changes things. I think we have heard it too many times and don't really believe it the way we should. tmp

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