Righteous or Unrighteous?

Today, as I thoroughly enjoyed my walk to the school, I pondered quite a few things, as I often do on my walk. Sometimes I pray for people like Hammy, Jimmer, sick pete, mg, cdubs, pastor, beary, and the like. But today, I simply reveled in the fact that God loves me. As I watched the snow melting away, I could see the dirt and garbage left behind throughout my walk. I think of how God melts away our dirt and our garbage. How he longs to be in relationship with us, and how he cleanses our sins from existence. As the sun rose, I couldn't help but think of the verse I read this morning in Matthew 5:45 -

"...that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

I pondered if Jesus was walking with me, which of the above categories would HE put me in? I'm pretty sure the unrighteous one at times. But yet he still walks with me and leads my steps. He brings the heat of the sun to warm the earth to provide food for us all. The birds sing out longing for spring to burst forth. People like the hispanic woman tugging her cart full of bottles and cans (just clap your hands) hustle and bustle to survive in this grinding city. I smiled as I was challenged again today by pastor, even though he is on the other side of the earth. He set a goal for himself to 'touch' someone in need each day as he lives in this city. I, too, have been challenged this week to do the same. Seems odd to pray for people that you help, even if you never learn their name, but it certainly makes the sunshine brighter each time I give to someone in need with a smile, a swipe of my metro card, directions, food to eat, advice in a difficult situation, or the like. Today the sun shines bright on my world, and for that I am thankful.


Stefania said…
Quelli che hanno compreso e vivono l'Amore basato sul principio risaglono alla Fonte (appunto: al Principio di questo Amore), ma nello stesso tempo chi può onestamente asserire di non aver bisogno di "crescere" in quell'Amore PERFETTO? Coloro che hanno il seme sanno bene che devono "coltivarlo" per farlo germogliare e crescere ogni giorno attraverso le prove della vita.
La Fonte e il Principio di questo Amore Universale ci chiama a [SUPERARE] l'imperfetto ed egoistico amore umano, il quale tende sempre a bilanciare il conto: "Voglio bene a TE, se TU soddisfi il mio EGO...". L'Amore AGAPE non è condizionato come l'amore FILIA, che dà SOLO SE RICEVE, e che riceve solo se ha dato (come nella contabilità di bilancio).

L'Amore AGAPE è una forza capace di sconfiggere ogni forma di male o negatività interna o esterna all'uomo, ogni sentimento negativo, prifino il rancore, l'odio e il desiderio di VENDETTA verso il nemico..!!
Abbiamo TUTTI bisogno di provare l'Amore AGAPE, questa miracolosa medicina.. perchè tutti noi siamo stati feriti almeno una volta nella vita.

Abbiamo dei crucci e delle amarezze?
Abbiamo delle paure?
Abbiamo dei rancori?
Abbiamo subito delle ingiustizie?
Una rabbia soffocata dentro?

una predicatrice italiana
great story thanks for the posting I really impress and happy to after read this story.

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