I miss summer

This week we had an "I miss summer" party at the casa bel grande. And the title continues to haunt me this week as I feel a case of the Mondays regularly in February. At least the sun is coming up earlier and staying up later. Life is hard. There are so many things that get in the way of experiencing joy each day. I listened to a message from Rob Bell this week, and it has helped me to focus in on some joy that I haven't been paying attention to. He was speaking about Ecclesiastes and how 'it is all meaningless'. Sometimes in February that's what life feels like - like it is all meaningless. But Bell spoke of the phrase "eat, drink, and be merry" that pervades the book. So each day, I have enjoyed my food more. Enjoyed my drink more. I have really tried to spend more time enjoying the people that I work with, my neighbors, and my family. I have not been successful this week, for certain. I did not pay enough attention to my superstar this week when she was longing for me to pay attention to her, and for that I am sorry. But I have realized just how emotionally draining it can be for me to really pay attention to pouring into others. I am tired at the end of each day of engaging emotionally to try to help others experience the joy in daily life. So tonight I have a date with my superstar, and that is joy to the maximum. I love you superstar. Even when I don't display it in my words and actions.


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