Beyond Recognition

A busy week. In GR last week, which was incredibly perfect timing as a booster shot of leadership training that filled my leadership tank that was running on LOW LOW LOW LOW> Apple bottom with the fur. But I digress. What a reminder that the relational capacity we own with the people we are entrusted to lead is the most powerful tool we have in our belt. If we don't build relationships with people, there is no opportunity for growth for them, nor for us. This plays out not only in work, but also in life. If I don't have the relational capacity to serve others in my neighborhood, they certainly will not be open to the gift of grace. Any who - While there, I had an opportunity to sit down with AD and ask some questions about my future as an employee. I have been wondering if I should be concerned with that, as many of you know, the positions I thought I was moving to NYC did not all workout as we had thought they might. That being said, I have certainly learned to trust God more daily, and even on the men's retreat, I felt like God convicted me that HE is my treasure, and HIS TRUST is what I should treasure. Again I say Any Who -AD has come to be someone that I respect and trust, and I don't know if I am overstepping my bounds in saying he is a friend of mine, but I certainly hope so. In our conversation, I got to hear about how he is doing with his responsibilities, how life is treating him, and enjoy some conversation of both work and non-work items, which I enjoyed. By the end of the conversation, he assured me that I am valued in our company. And that they feel that I can offer some positive things in whatever role I might be in. Not going to lie to you, I wasn't really sure on that, but I thought I was there. There is a possibility that I might work with the Aussie in the future, and work to develop the leadership components. If this is God's hand, I am blessed beyond recognition now and forever more. It is my hope this is his hand, and that he will open these doors, and never let them close. I trust him with my career. My life and my all. But secretly, I pray that this will be his will for me.


It'll come to you friend. I know how it can get. You KNOW I know :) First, second, and third hand. If you speak to Desi tell her hi!

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