I'm just saying that I LOVE barbecued ribs. Love them. But I am pretty particular about them and how they are made, the sauce, etc. I am in Cincinnati for work this week, and I got to eat dinner last night at Montgomery Inn's Boathouse:


They absolutely have the best ribs I have ever eaten in my life. I LOVE THEM. I might go back again this week just to eat them again. The sauce is so sweet and delectible. I am also really enjoying what I am learning on this trip, and the people that I am working with. That certainly makes being away from the KKFT a lot easier. But I do miss those darn Kelly girls. I haven't mentioned lately how much I love the superstar. I have realized the past two days how much I long to spend time with her, even if we are in the same house doing different things. Plus, she's HOT, so that doesn't suck.

Shout out to my boys sick pete and cay-uh for being my wing men in my whole approach to life. If you are a man (I guess this counts for you ladies, too) you NEED to have other men in your life that are going to hold you accountable for your actions, your pursuits, your time spent, basically, your life. If you don't have that-you will fail miserably. And not just surface male relationships that are the norm that talk about the weather, sports, the job, the car. But other men to challenge you to step up to God's call and His level of engagement in your life. So find that intimate group that you can engage with on a real level and step closer to each other and closer to God. Otherwise, your ship is sinking.


Anonymous said…
hooray for your boyfriends! They help you to be the man I love!

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