Communitas Test Pattern

So spending time in the city shows me a lot of things-particularly how difficult this 'church plant' effort can be. Physically, mentally, socially, economically, strategically. It is not what pastor and wife thought it was going to be like. Funny, that is how my life has gone since I signed the covenant to be on the launch team. That term is now dead in my opinion-the church is launched here. That does not mean having a service, thank you very little. It means when I walked to the donut store after dinner with the Yankee and pastor, inviting Square to come and get a tea with us. It means knowing the kind of donut the parking structure guy prefers. It meant inviting Square to come up for a few minutes on his break working security on a job site to meet people on the team, and take dinner back to work with him. I love how Yankee knows all that stuff already. Serving others along the way.
The test pattern continues, and life is not easy here on the island. The economy has gone south, and there are less jobs. There are less opportunities-but that is somewhat of a good news story for us-as rent is and may continue to decline over the next six months because of the lack of new jobs here. Nice. However, this is a difficult and challenging task to take your life, get rid of everything, and do your absolute darndest to follow Jesus. I have learned much over the last year, and the one thing I know is this is not going to be easy for anyone that decides to do it. Not just communitas nyc, but following Jesus. Doubts are everywhere, but if we continue to engage with God and listen to His promptings, and study the life of Christ, we will have nothing but success. That doesn't mean all happy happy joy joy. But it does mean we should take joy in our sufferings along the way. That does mean that we will continue to serve others before ourselves, and be glad for such opportunities. It does mean we should engage with others along the way and seek His will, not our own. A year ago today, I thought I would be living in the city, working here. Today, I am still just a visitor, but this is my city, and I will continue to be patient in God's timing of my journey on the path I know He set before me for His glory and honor. I continue to put my trust in His grace and mercy, and know that He is with me Always. I pray for the test pattern to continue to shape and mold people of communitas, wherever they may be, and for others outside of communitas to see the light of Jesus shining through each of us. God help us all.


Anonymous said…
As you already know patience leads to better things. I am glad you are learning to serve and love as Christ does. I am glad you are sold out 100% to the work of the ministry. Keep waling the walk and talken the talk bro!

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