This is the end........

If you do ever read my post titles, the one above is to be sung in your best Jim Morrison voice with doom and gloom overtones. If you can't do that, then you fogetabodit. So we come to the last night of our visit to nyc. I sit on the balcony on the 20th floor at 33rd and 1st. I know that God has changed my heart and my soul and my mind to prepare to come here to live and to serve. I know that He has offered me many experiences in my lifetime to prepare me for this. I am certain that when His time arrives, He will open the right doors to move the kkft into the right building in the right neighborhood, on the right timeline. I am certain that though I am a sinner, Jesus cleanses my sins and offers me redemption in my life so that others might see Him. I am certain that this may well be the most incredible city in the world, barnone. I am also certain that the lines of disparity in this city may very well be the greatest in the world. I have made many new friends here on this trip, and I was here less than a week. My heart longs to be here, and my sould warms at the thought of this being our home. I am not trying to hurry the timeline at all, so don't think that. I am simply stating the fact that I have been repeatedly affirmed spending time here this weekend. I can't wait to write the next chapter of the msd book. (And for those of you struggling with the acronyms--nugget--that means Mustard Seed Distributed)

I will post many photos upon my return, but for now, all I can tell you is you need to be certain that you are following Jesus. If you are not, clear your schedule and spend some time in the word. I suggest First and Second Peter. You talk about an explanation on how Jesus called us to live! I wish I could make it easy for everyone to make that jump and to hit the level where you start to really see God's will, you start to spend quality time in His love, studying His word to make yourself a self feeder, surrounding yourself with others that will hold you accountable to following, not just going through motions. Who knows, maybe this world is going to turn around, and people will stop the self serving self righteous self advocating actions we all try to consume. Or not, and a few of us will be able to shine light in dark places and listen and love and trust and hope and show compassion and change the world. You in?


Anonymous said…
I'm IN. I am so glad we have eternity to visit and be near the ones we love. I know that the vapor of a life we have here is to show the light of God to those who we meet. Talk to you soon. I will be looking for those pictures. Pickel Head

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