Back to "Normal"

So after a week in Cinci, I was back in our building today. I did get razzed quite a bit about how much 'vacation' I get. HA HA. I am glad that I have been welcomed into the staff, and people enjoy joking around as much as I do. It was great to see the smiles, and get the hugs from my chillens at our school. What joy they bring to my heart. Unbelievable really that I missed them as much as I did this week. And then next week I will be out for two days attending the leadership academy-but I'm looking forward to learning opportunities once again.

So the pastor was at our house tonight-miss him more than I knew. He drove away tonight, and my heart realized how much our weekly meetings have meant to my spiritual growth the last year. I don't recall if I have blogged this, but I know I have told a few people-before the nyc call happened, I longed to find a mature christian man that could mentor me, guide me, hold me accountable, etc. I was even in the midst of pursuing it intentionally when the nyc started. I even asked pastor-"You know anyone that would be willing to commit some time mentoring me?" His response: "Are you willing to move to New York? If you are, I'll do it." Little did I know what God had in store. But now it has been ten weeks or so living in different states. I was so glad to visit him at his new home in the city and get the shot of pastor in the arm I got. Again today to share laughs with him and enjoy time together (even if it was crappy pizza) reminded me of how much I care for him, his family, our mission together. I know that his commitment to Christ has led me to where I am today. Not singlehandedly, but the positive influence is undeniable. Therefore-what will I do next to have an undeniable influence on those I come in contact with and glorify the God that has called me to more than my comfortable, suburban, white-bred lifestyle? I will live in today, and be a time traveler to the future, but open my eyes to the world around me and seek opportunities to serve others before myself, to see what God sees, and live life to the full as He designed life to be lived.


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