Olden Days

After this weekend, I have a great appreciation for the folks that trekked across America (or any other continent wherever) before things like roads and vehicles were produced and utilized. To give the superstar a Christmas break that is so well deserved, mg and I took our kids up to his dad's cabin this weekend. We have done this a couple of times, and it has always been great. The cabin actually sits in the middle of nowhere, literally. You have to park your vehicle, and go down a hill, over a very large creek, then up a hill, then about a half mile into the woods to get to it. No electricity. Woodstove for heat. Usually this is not that much work, as mg has a Kawasaki Mule. You park at the end of the road, load your things into the mule, then drive back to the cabin. But when we got there, the road was blocked about a mile before the place you usually park with snow. No problem, we'll take the mule. No. We'll get the mule stuck. Then try to pull it out with the Tahoe (PS-huge thanks to my mom for letting us take her car!). No. I guess we'll have to hike in. 5 Children under the age of 10, games to play in the cabin, food, drinks, bedding, etc. Did I mention by this time it was dark out? And raining? But we did it and had a riot. Luckily the kids all brought their snow clothes. I have to be honest, when I was hauling things back to the cabin, I had a hard time not stopping for breaks. So glad I didn't get my run in that morning or I would have been dead. I told mg, I couldn't imagine if I had not been running for the last month if I could have actually carried things in, etc. I may have had a heart attack and died out there. But all is well. We had a riot playing games, reading books, doing a puzzle, snowball fight, going for a mule ride, all wonderful memories for each of us. Alli even said she liked it better there than here (at home) so I suppose she had fun. You can see more pics here.

I did feel so bad for mg after he dragged the cooler from the car-about a mile and a half-through the snow to the cabin on Sunday morning. Upon his arrival, we all cheered for him and were happy! Then he slipped and slipped and slipped and fell on his back on the snow. It was funny, but I felt bad. Huge thanks to mom for the tahoe, to mg for the times together, and to all of our kids for not complaining about living like the olden days.....


K said…
I think it's awesome that the kids have so much fun doing stuff like that.... no on-line or tv addiction there.
Anonymous said…
When I would tell people where you and the girls went, without fail, the response would be...OH, so I see why you didn't go! That is definately fun to be had with the daddy's!

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