Happy Blogiversary to Me

Well, this whole blogging thing started in my head over one year ago, but my first live post was December 3rd, 2007. The last year has been overwhelming at times, but the comfort of my Creator that He so often promises us in the bible continues to fill my heart in those times when I am overwhelmed. The last year has taken me many different places physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally that I probably have not explored fully in the past. I continue to feel honored that God chose me to be on this journey, and that His grace and peace are sufficient for me to live my life.
Last week marked my 39th birthday-not a milestone by any means in our society. But personally for me, it was a milestone. Why, you ask? Because I am a 'new creation' that lives a different life than I did two years ago. I am not perfect, by any means. I sin each day, and I ask God to forgive me. Because he sent His one and only Son to die, I know in my heart that I am forgiven. But because of this incredible truth, and understanding that, my life is different now. I thought I knew that before, but maybe a better way to say it is that I didn't fully understand it. Now I think I really get that Jesus said to sell everything and follow Him. That is not easy to do. Our society will tell you in every way and in every day that you 'deserve more'. That 'you are worth it'. But Jesus says the only thing you need is Him. The one who created you.
And so at this point in my journey to NYC, I am working in the D. I am raising two beautiful daughters that are incredible gifts from God, and are incredible kids. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world. I have an incredible family-both in-laws and outlaws-that I couldn't do without. I have incredible friends that support me in my walk, and challenge and encourage me each day. I am a part of a group of equally crazy people that are willing to throw it all away for one reason-to follow Jesus. What more could a man ask for? Happy Blogiversary to Me.


Anonymous said…
let's have a blogiversary party. I like parties....
Anonymous said…
Can I come to your blogiversary party or do I have to be a blogger and not just a reader to attend?

Wonderful to read and even better to watch the life this last year. The in-laws feel great to be blessed by you also. Glory to our KING. Pickel Head
Morgan's Mom said…
OH I want to come to the party, pick me, pick me!
It is wonderful to walk amongst you people.
Happy blogiversary to you T$!

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