Questions from God

Watching the sun rise from Mariner Park today, God asked me some specific questions that hit me pretty hard in the spirit:

Will you trust me?
Can you love without me?
Will you listen to me?
Will you really go there for me?
Will you trust in me?
Will you serve others first?

Very eye opening when God starts asking you specific questions on your way.

I enjoyed my conversations with the benzr last night. Even though the sick family will abuse me, I have to tell you that God has blessed me with this position, and I am thankful that I love what I do. I have always been fortunate to enjoy what I do to earn money for our family to live, but this is the bomb. I really believe it is because I did entrust my work world to the hands of God, and he has continued to show me what life can be like (in ALL areas) if I trust Him and His plan for my life. (See above questions from this morning.) So go ahead sick mother, make fun of me. That's why you are a sick mother.


K said…
We just talked about entrusting on Monday night in Gracestoration. My biggest problem spots were opened that night:

God wants Total Lordship over these areas and I have a hard time giving them up:

recreation & entertainment
my right to be right
my right to live comfortably
my right to a good reputation
my right to have friends
my career
my money

I know that His plan is A Plan, but sometimes I just want to maintain control and somehow I think my plan could be better... When will I ever learn????
Anonymous said…
I agree with k. TOTAL LORDSHIP is a freaky concept. It requires TOTAL SURRENDER. That is so hard. And if you think you have arrived at it, think again. It is a never ending process of surrender. Once you successfully surrender one area, He will reveal the NEXT thing you have to surrender. I believe the big word for it is sanctification. It's not like being beaten into submission, but rather being filled with incredible GRACE and POWER to be better!

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