Life is Tough

It is hard to follow Jesus. No check that, hard is such a small word. It is challenging, difficult, full of adversity, it is. You think you are doing well, then you realize you are not doing well in the other area. So you work on that. You get better at that part, then you blow it in another area. Don't fret, though, because He promises you the Holy Spirit to get you through. I never got that before, but I think I am at least starting to understand that. If you are reading God's word, if you are trying to serve others before yourself, the Holy Spirit will nudge you in all areas of your daily life. But make no mistake, it is just a glimpse of the work against you by Satan. The devil doesn't take days off, he is always scheming, and he is good at it. So pay attention to your thought patterns, because the good ones are from the Holy Spirit, and the bad ones are from Satan. Give him a foothold, and he will move in and set up shop. How do you not let him? Fight. With all your might. Fight the instinct to serve yourself. Fight the instinct to please your body and your desires. Or you will be sunk. How do you do that? PRAY.


Anonymous said…
satan sucks.
Morgan's Mom said…
Peace be with you.
You rock at that principal in training job! I can really grasp the excitement in your post. ROCK ON.

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