First Day of School

If you are not a full time educator for your employment needs, you probably don't truly understand the implications of 'opening day' like we educators do. It is the first batter, it is the first play from scrimmage, it is the opening number, it is the first intro to a song, it is .... get it? It is a huge day for all, and the excitement and energy of starting another school year can be overwhelming if you are doing things right. I have to be honest with you, I have had over a dozen first days of school, and all of them have been incredible. Some bumps on the road for sure, but great days in my memory banks. I have to be honest, though, today was the best ever. I can't explain what it means to be the only white male working in a school of 665 + students, but I can tell you it was the most enjoyable opening day I have ever experienced. I am blessed to be working with the benzr crew, they really are an incredible group of people that are absolutely committed to excellence, no matter what, whatever it takes, we'll do the best for the kids. Even if I failed miserably at pronouncing names today, I smiled A LOT. It was refreshing to see each person on the staff contributing in big ways across the campus. It was refreshing to see the parents holding their children to higher expectations. It was REDICULOUS cute to see all the little girls with their hair beads and the boys with their uniforms. SO CUTE IT IS SICK. I can't believe I am the lucky one to be doing what I am doing. How cool is that?

On the homefront, the girls started a new journey also, and it was great for me to come home and see the joy on the girls (all three of them) faces about their first day of school. I am certain that this year will bring many smiles and laughs to our home, and I am thankful for that. I think the Superstar underestimated her gains in being the girls' teacher this year, much like I underestimated the joy that working in Detroit would bring to me and my soul.

So as the only white guy working at our school, I am here to tell you there is great hope in an urban environment for the leaders of tomorrow. Watching the learning and the smiles and the fun our kids were having today, I am proud to be a part of what 'we' are doing. ( I even had to learn how to say bling bling because, it is pronounced with a long a sound, not i's: Blang blang-thanks to my new learning partners from 8th grade) I can't believe it, it's like I have to pinch myself sometimes because it is hard for me to believe that the white boy from Memphis is doing what he's doing each day in his job. Alright, enough of the third person crap. I can't wait until tomorrow. That is what God can do to your career if you truly trust His will, not your own. Go ahead, try it, I double dog dare you.


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