Lottsa reports

There are so many good things to tell you all about, I don't even know where to start. It is a riot to come to school here, the kids are so receptive, and I laugh all the time with them because they crack me up. My boy t (a staff member) and I shake hands everytime we see each other, and he makes me smile while he teaches me new lingo. He is a riot. I had a student come up and give me a hug today for no apparent reason. I got invited to a football game this Saturday from a kid I talked to once, and he was serious about that.

I also have a new routine in the morning, although I was spoiled being less than a mile from school for the last four years. So now I get up earlier, and I am probably not getting enough sleep during the week, but I can't wait to get here in the morning. But after the commute, I go to Mariner Park which is the mouth of the Detroit River. Freighters sometimes roll by quietly, and it is pretty loud when they honk at each other. It is a beautiful place to watch the sun rise and read my bible and try my best to listen to God's voice. Why is it that sitting next to something beautiful like a lake or a river or a forest or canyon or whatever inspires you to hear more clearly His voice? I did read in a book that God calls you to spend time with His creation for just that reason. But it is a cool place to sit and listen.

I also know that I miss my friends in nyc. Pastor had mentored my for nearly a year before he left, and it is a bummer to not be around him. Not just the learning part, but the part where we got to hang out and 'do life together' as he would often say. I pray for him and for communitas often, as well as the rest of the team. I have never prayed so much in my life for others as I do now. And for all kinds of reasons I pray for them, and for other people, and for people I don't even know. What is that all about? Is it the Holy Spirit pushing me to engage? Is this how I have always been but just never cared enough about others' lives? What gives? Anywho-I do enjoy being transformed into something different by His hand. It is pretty liberating. Fo sho.


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