Camera Phones

I never understood camera phones, text messaging, whatever. But I did obtain a new camera phone this week. I know, I said I would NEVER have one. Now I do. Just trying to keep up with those crazy kids these days. I am still learning how to use it, but I hope it will be a nice tool to share things on my blog. Good luck to me.


Anonymous said…
I heard from your #2 gal that you got it for free. She was very proud of you!! Have you let the girls have your old one??
K said…
I'm very excited about your phone... a treat for me to get pics of the Kelly girls once in a while... I not tired.
Morgan's Mom said…
next time tip your head forward a little we can see up your nose!! hahaha
CDubs said…
Now you can get with the times in the world of text messaging! It can be convenient some times. Like on Thurdays nights or afternoons...all you have to do is text.."Breakfast at Flamingo @ 6:30be there!"...Easier than calling.
Sonyia said…
DUDE! That was scary to see! Don't do that again without a warning message!
Anonymous said…
Your mom has a cameraphone.

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