Island LIfe

So you have to ask yourself, what am I doing here? I am on one of the prettiest islands I know as part of a team of people who are working to accomplish a task that some say is impossible. I have to argue with those people. Anything is possible through God, and when a group of people commit, and I mean REALLY commit to doing something, anything is possible. (So it is ten p.m., and all I can hear is 'taps' bouncing off the buildings. I forgot that they play that here on the island each night. Beautiful to listen to.)

And so it is with my communitas brothers and sisters, we cannot accomplish this church plant in the greatest city in the world without Him. Without truly giving our entire lives to Him. Without really committing to following Him, no matter what. I spent a lot of time on the ride up in prayer for my bros and sis' on the team. Even not in nyc, I feel great love and desire for each person's goals and dreams, and that our team would be united in Christ. I am not sure what Mackinac has to do with all that, but I am certainly enjoying getting to know my colleagues and cohort. What a beautiful place to prepare for the school year.

PS-I don't usually give shout outs to my homeys, but here are a few end of summer shout outs I need to give-
sick pete, you know I love you
kw-your kind words encouraged me today(and so I have two posts today just for you)
superstar-always in my heart and mind
alli-i can't believe you are growing up so fast
olivia-thanks for always making me smile
nugget-thanks for being my favorite nugget
twattsy-for showing me honor in collin's life
mom and dad-for always loving me no matter what
dayna-for believing in me
donald-because you will always be my friend
mg-for being real
pastor-for pouring into me
bb-for pushing my thinking
cdubs-you know I will always care about you
caya-because, that's why


Kim Wooster said…
Thanks Timm, I read them both:) And thanks again for remembering Jack's birthday.

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