
Welcome to Detroit. That's what the sign says, but for me this week, it has been way more than a welcome. I started my new position, and what a welcome to a new place. It almost seems surreal to walk into a place that treats you so well, and is on point with what they are doing. So I work for two days, and we couldn't work Friday because of the electrical panel switchover to install the AC. So a two day work week to start is pretty cool. I have already learned SO much in two days, and I am thrilled to be working with this team of people for the year. I am kind of excited that the other school (potential interim principal) did not need me, so that I can start from the get go and spend the entire year with the team. I will write more about the team as we move on, because I can't think of any cool pseudo names for them yet....

Friday Day off-Took the girls to the DIA and to Mr. Fo Fo's for lunch. You ever want a corned beef sandwich in the D, it is at second and Holbert, and their goal is to train high school students for job skills. There must have been a pound of corned beef on our sandwich. While we were at the DIA, something really cool happened. Our girls were being themselves with the "WOW"'s and the "OH"'s looking at all the cool art pieces. A guy walks up to superstar and I, and says, "I just have to tell you how much I am enjoying the joy that your girls are experiencing in being here." You ever feel your heart crinkle? That was pretty cool. If you haven't been to the DIA, drop what you are doing and go now. We need to go there more often. Plus, if you have a local library card, you can get free passes....

Men's group-We are doing a fast on Monday. I am not writing about this to seem like the pharisees, I am writing to ask for you to pray for each man in our group. This is quite a stretch for most, check that, all of us, so pray that God will guide us, pull us close to Him, and speak to us.

So I am reading my bible in Matthew. Take a look at 10:38:
"...and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
Jesus said this to the twelve as he prepped them to go out into the world and represent Christianity. I have probably heard this or read it dozens of times. But today, I feel like the actual life application of this verse has happened in my life. This week, I feel like I have found my life. I feel like I am going to be blessed in my new position for trusting that God's plan is better than mine. I feel like carrying the cross Jesus handed to me is starting to unfold, and I am thrilled that He handed it to me. I have lost some of my life in all this, but if I am really being honest, really being truthful, those parts of my life that I am losing were never worth much anyway. I have found that the life I have found in the D is already more rewarding than I ever thought it would be (I know, relax, it's been two days!). The organization that I am working for continues to impress me from top to bottom. (Someone from the org posted a comment on superstar's blog, and I still don't know who it was! I look forward to finding out who it might be.)

Back to the D today for the monthly BBQ-this has really become something I am enjoying being a part of. Learning a LOT about urban ministry and how to serve this population. I have not seen my boy Carter since January. That worries me. Victoria will be there, and all my other new friends.

So what if this post is ADD laden? You're not the boss of me.


K said…
I've always wondered if the girls would love the DIA. I'm so glad to hear that they did and what a great story about their joy being uplifting to someone!

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