Light of the World

What an awesome thing to be able to serve for the Christmas services. It's been 12 hours over the last two days after a LONG day at work trying to keep the students (and the teachers) under some level of control before Christmas break, but how incredible to see people's talents being used to show people Jesus. Every time the Light of the World video came on, I welled up like a schoolgirl. I can't wait to see the total for Christmas has a face...

Put the house up for sale on Wednesday, had a showing today. I am faithful that God has a buyer for us, and my prayer is that it will sell in the first 30 days. Superstar says that I shouldn't test God like that, but after the rose story, I think he can handle this one.

Interesting conversation with a neighbor's kid after school yesterday at bus duty. I think he's in 9th grade now. You see, Superstar sent out the Christmas letter and photos of the girls to friends and family. It just so happens that we have friends in our neighborhood. The letter told people of God's calling on us to NYC. So the boy comes up to me and says: "Hey, my dad told me that you guys are going to move to NYC, that's pretty cool." I got to say to him that the only way that's going to happen is if God delivers us from some important things. What a cool conversation that was with a young man. I pray that it will mean something to him. It's easy to focus on my family and our needs in this process, but I need to be sure to keep my eyes open for opportunities like this HERE before we go THERE.

I was TOTALLY bummed to miss our small group's Christmas gathering. We've been small group leaders for nearly a decade now. YIKES. That's just weird. I mean, if you told me 12 years ago-Timm, you're going to be leading a small group and a men's group for your church, and you're going to sell everything and move to NYC to start a church in 2007. I would have said "Oh, right. Like that's going to happen." But here I am.
Anywho-back to the small group. We started with just us, the Cay-uhs, and the Heg-a-lees in LOtown. Since then, we multiplied several times up to now. I have seen marriages broken and restored, I've seen people willing to seek God, and I've also seen people that may not have been listening to Him-oh yeah, that's me. In making this commitment to NYC, we are at a point where we need to commit to the launch team and start building our community and walk there. SO we are stepping down as small group leaders. The Yerdies are going to start one in LOtown-I pray that God will lead them, guide them, mold them, and discipline them in leadership.
Anywho-I get rolling and can't stop. Back to the story-this was kind of the Christmas get together and final meeting for our group. I wasn't there because I was rehearsing. A part of me is really sad because these are the people that I feel like we have been doing life with for years. Another part of me is really excited to see how God uses these people. Mostly for my battle buddy-mg. He is already talking about starting a divorced single dad's group. Who saw that coming? Not I, but mg is responding to the circumstances. I will miss him muchisimo. He has kept me honest, inspired me, questioned me, leaned on me. It is my hope that I can maintain the profound relationships I have with people like him from NYC. Otherwise, I might cry a lot.


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