God is Mysterious

So, today at school a student got hurt, unconscious when I arrived on the scene. 911, ambulance, the works. So, I prayed that he would be ok, went in the ambulance to the hospital, he's ok. Thank God.
Afterwards, got picked up by bb and cdubs at the hospital. They asked if we could stop for a drink on the way home. Absolutely. Thank you. We're having a beer (or three), and they know about NYC, so they ask a question about it, I'm talking about it. They are really awesome and have been so supportive of my following God, it has been incredible. So we're having the beers and I'm going on and on about how I'm really fine with everything about the whole deal. But I'm talking about how I'm worried about actually obtaining a job in NYC from Rtown, how I don't know how I'm going to be able to support my family and actually afford doing this, blah blah blah. So we had a nice conversation, and as they have done since day one, they are supporting me. BB says, you need to take the day off tomorrow and get your #@$$ together, take your wife to lunch, put your house up for sale, and everything. I can't, I shouldn't, ok, I'm going to. I'll call Superstar and tell her I'm taking her to lunch. We're in the car on the way home in the car, my phone rings. Not familiar with the area code, so I answer. So and so from such and such-I'm a recruiter from this organization, and we'd like to schedule a phone interview with you for tomorrow for this position in NYC for next year.

Funny how God knows what you are worried about, and that He is in control of everything, and is working even when you don't even know it. Thank you God for always knowing what I need, and giving me all the comforts to make me feel peace in this crazy world that I live in....I love you.


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