Darkness Surrounds Me.

You would think that with a post title like that, this would be a 'dark' and gloomy post. But it isn't really. Moving this far East has changed the dynamic of so many things in our lives as we traverse this grand city daily. One major difference that is quickly realizable from the earliest moments of the day to the latest moments you can remember laying in your bed is the fact that we are located on the Eastern end of the Eastern time zone. Living in MI, we were on the Westernmost end of the Eastern time zone. So, particularly during the summer months, daylight could last until nearly 11 pm.
But the late fall/through winter stages of daylight savings really didn't mean much on the savings end. But here in Brooklyn, even when I awake at the early morning hours I keep, I am not greeted by complete darkness from the moment I wake until later in the day when I happen to look out a window at school. No. I am greeted by a glorious sunrise in the Eastern sky out out back door nearly each and every day as I pour my coffee, wash my body, and dress for school (not necessarily at the same time). I often have to wear my sunglasses as I head East to school. The sun is up by the time students arrive, and it is a great way to start the day with light all around.
This is all nice and well, and I enjoy the light beginning each day. But as I made my way home last night, shortly after 5pm, the same glorious light was over. It was dark. Which is different than what we are used to. Usually you at least have a minute to enjoy the sun. But not here. I will take it. I am enjoying being on the East side of the time zone each day....:)


Anonymous said…
You can enjoy it becaue you know the SON Shine that is with in you each day no matter what the sky shows.

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