Is it here?

So I mentioned, ever so briefly, going to GR for an interview last week. (See post here.) It is with a national charter school organization that is having some great successes. I'll keep it in privacy for now--don't know why, but it is what it is. It was again an all day interview for a possibility of becoming a principal with their organization. Their Principal recruiter is the one that called me and did a couple of phone interviews, then set up the all day thing. Needless to say, it was a long day of interviewing, but as far as all day interviews go, I have to tell you that this was the most enjoyable one that I have had as an interviewee. She sent me a schedule for the day, and it looked like this:

8:15-12:30 Career History Interview with principal recruiter and HR guy (even though they call him something like people capital manager....)
12:30-1:30 Lunch/Interview with Marketing lady
1:30-2:30 Interview with Curriculum/Instruction lady
2:30-3:30 Interview with Data and Assessment guy

I know what you are thinking-how could it take four hours to go through your career history? I thought the same thing, but when you start with your childhood and go through EVERYTHING up to today, it takes four hours. The whole day I felt like I did well, body language, interaction with the people, and even kind words from the data guy during the interview led me to believe it was a great day.
It was odd, however, that it was never overtly stated that I was interviewing for a particular position. The recruiter did talk to me about the possibility of a principal in residence (year long paid residency in one of their successful schools) position in a detroit school this fall, and I explained to her that I wanted to end up in NYC, and they are opening a school there, and she said it would be a possibility to do the residency and then open the school in nyc next fall. But never overtly said this is what it is for. But the data guy and the marketing lady both made references to the residency and nyc-odd, but cool that they knew what was up.
(**PS-The data guy and I had a great conversation about planting a church in the city, and he said something like 'you will find a lot of like minded people in this organization'-never using the term christian or similar things.)
So today I get an email from the recruiter. They want to move forward in the process and her email says: "We have some openings we would like to discuss with you." So I call, email her back, but have not heard back from her yet. So what is in store here? (I emailed the Harlem guy to check on the status of that-I'm still in that small pool as well.) This certainly seems to fit perfectly into the current status, and what pastor asked us to possibly do.....we shall see.


K said…
sounds great!

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