And so.

And so we meet with pastor and his wife today to discuss the possibility of leading the team of communitas-michigan. Crazy to think of the possibility of superstar and I leading the team when they go-not exactly what I ever thought I might be doing. But that is the beauty of God and how He would choose to use us. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, and ahead of God's plan for us, so I am not going to go crazy on this idea. But I am going to be open to the possibility of God using us in this way, and I am going to commit to praying that God would reveal to us how this might play out here in Michigan.

I wrote a little about this on Sunday (because apparently some people only live to read this blog!!). I told my men's group last night that I was finally at a point of total peace going to nyc to do this, and God might be telling me-"Well, not just yet." That is challenging to get so excited to do something you know God is calling you to do, and then have God tell you it is not His timing just yet. Who knows, I may be processing all this for naught and next week I will get a job in nyc. Either way, I can tell you that it is an honor to take the things in my life that I have always led with my plans, and submit them to God and ask how He might lead me to do His work.

Maybe God is calling you to do something. Maybe you need to let something go and give Him control of it. I can tell you after some of my addictions and some of my sins that were keeping me separated from God, once you allow Him to take control of those things, He frees you like you never thought possible. As we spoke with pastor and his wife today, pastor talked about leadership-and the fact that God doesn't really open that door to you completely unless you are really submitting to Him. So are you? I am telling you perfection is a hard bar to reach, but the more you give your life to following Jesus, the easier life seems to go here on this pit of corruption.


Morgan's Mom said…
Hey Man you blog when you want to blog! you just tell them God has not moved your blog given talent today.
But I do love hearing about the opportunities that have been brought to your family. Keep up the good work but most of all keep the faith!

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