Pain for the Star

This week meant attending another funeral, that of Superstar's Aunt F. Diagnosed with esophogas cancer two weeks ago, she died in her home this weekend with her children there to be with her. It was hard for me to attend the funeral of my uncle two weeks ago, and today was no easier. Superstar's cousin honored his mom today with great words and emotion, and the pain was palpable for all of my 'in-laws', including the star. Here's why-Aunt F. loved you the moment she met you. She cared about who you were and, as superstar said today, complimented everyone that she came in contact with. She cared for others more than herself, and that care exuded every step she took in life. Losing her husband early, losing her autistic child, losing her parents early. Always caring for her daughter with special needs first. Yet, she pushed on and as her son said today, never asked "Why?", but continued to press into the "How?" The priest asked a challenging question-what is it that you will hold onto that F taught you? She taught me that everyone deserves to be loved no matter what. She taught me that the why is not important, but the positive attitude in 'how' is what you must press into. I am humbled to think of the times I didn't fully engage in conversations with her, when she went out of her way to try to connect with me. I am humbled to think of how she spent time thinking about what to do for our daughters for Christmas presents every year, even though that was usually the only time we saw her all year. I am humbled to learn from her, and know that God is using her life to benefit the life of others today and in the future.


K said…
I wish I knew the person that passed away, she sounds like an amazing soul. I will keep the Superstar's family in my prayers as they deal with the loss.
Anonymous said…
Man am I drained!!! What a week. You made me cry, again.....but it is a good thankful kind of crying. she was always so giving and I like you am sorry for the time I lost. I feel I could have called more and visited more. But I have learned to not let this happen again. I will love those around me better because of loosing Aunt F. thanks for your wonderful words of praise. tmp

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