
At a principal's meeting a couple of weeks ago, the CEO and president said something that was really powerful to me. He was speaking of our work in our schools and our efforts to educate every child with excellence. He said we need to go into the O.R....

What is the first thing that pops into your mind's eye? Masks? Doctors with scrubs? Lights? Clean tile walls? Big lights? Blip blip blip. He was speaking figuratively about our work. O.R. didn't stand for operating room-he spoke of how it stands for Opportunity and Responsibility. What an incredible opportunity we have to make a difference in the lives of children, a lot of whom would never have the opportunity in their environments for an excellent education. This is indeed an incredible opportunity to serve others in a way that they have never experienced before in their world of schooling. But with this opportunity comes an incredible responsibility. I formerly had a phrase taped on my computer screen when I first became a principal. It stated "I AM RESPONSIBLE." I have always taken seriously the gigantimous responsibility of being a school leader, and thus a principal. This responsibility is overwhelming at times. Each student that enters the door of a school that I am responsible for deserves the absolute best. The same thing that I would give my child if they were to walk through the doors. And there is but one way that I, T$, from the sticks of Memphis could ever provide any semblance of quality for each child. Jesus. That's all there is to it. Jesus. If I humble myself, particularly when I screw it up, He can guide me to excellence in providing the opportunity and accepting the ultimate responsibility of educating each child. Thank you Jesus.


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