Missing You

I miss my girls, and it has only been a weekend. What joy all three of them bring to my heart, my mind, and my soul. I know they are having a great time, and that alone brings me much joy. And I certainly enjoyed the kickoff to the NASCAR season yesterday with family and friends. But I look forward to giving my superstar and kids a big kiss and a hug when they return. Until then...

That is not all I am missing. This weekend, my uncle died in a car accident. I will miss him, even though we only would see each other on holidays and such. But superstar and I bought our first house down the street from he and my aunt, and we never would have found/bought that house if it wasn't for him. He always treated me well. Never judged. Always joking. I remember going up north to their cabin to help him do work on the addition. We are very much alike in that we are not so much for the talking if there is not a point to the words coming out of your mouth. So we would get up early, do the work-and much like working with my dad, a lot of hours in a row-and then maybe go up to Ma Deeters for a burger and beer. Still not much talking along the way. But we enjoyed being with each other. We would go for a boat ride on Dixie Lake. Didn't have to talk about the ride, just enjoy it together. He would always offer their places up north to superstar and I, and one time the men in our small group went up and stayed in the upstairs apartment while he worked on the new cabin. In all the years I knew him, I knew him to be a hard worker. I knew him to love his family. I knew him to care about others. He was never perfect, and he would tell you that, if you could get him to talk. But the little giggle under his breath meant that he was sharing a moment of joy with you. I don't know what his eternal fate is. That saddens me. Maybe I should know that if I care so much about him and his family. But I will always carry in my heart fond memories of his faint giggle, and an appreciation for his ability to quietly do good things in this world. But for now, I am missing you.


Superstar said…
Miss you too. And, it's weird how those memories of uncle make me sad and happy all at once. Good guy, for sure. Wish we were there for the funeral.
Morgan's Mom said…
So sorry to hear about your loss my thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you, in your difficult days ahead.
May peace and comfort find a place in your hearts with fond memories of yesterdays.

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