Listen up, dummies!

Lately, I have been in the old testament with my new set of eyes. Interesting, oh, and boring too. But Pastor suggested that the launch team get into Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to really make sure we know what Jesus lived like when he was missional in his teaching life. So I asked him: "What should I do, read one or the other?" He said the OT is important, but we really need to remind ourselves of what we are getting into. So I am reading both each day. I know, what is going on? But I have been getting so much out of soaking up the Word, I can't believe I've been living without it. So I commit to doing that each day this week-awesome. But each night for some reason I have been pondering what if none of these interviews pan out? What if we don't sell our house? Not being anxious or discouraged about it, but just pondering the then what. So Friday I get another call to set up a phone interview. Superstar emails me that we have a showing on Saturday. Thanks God for the reminder that you are God. As if.
I've also been slacking for a while on the listening. Psalms 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am the Lord." So Saturday, I read my bible and spend some really quality time listening. I sincerely asked God to just tell me what I need to hear, speak to me and tell me what I need to know. Very clearly and specifically he told me "I need you to be a leader." "I need you to be a leader of schools." I've never asked God about my career specifically in the past. Maybe in the past-'Please God, let me get this job!' But this is powerful that I now know what God wants me to do with my skills and abilities that come from Him.

You know how I know that? Because I took the time to listen. I need to do that every day.

PS-I love the launch team members. I also know that I want to be there for each one of them, no matter what.


Anonymous said…
I see such a renewing of your mind. And as it states on the Word of God can make us new. Keep up the good work it is so worth the effort of time and energy. He can multiply our time when we are focused on pleasing HIM. How better to have him mark the path, make it clear of debree, and to walk along side us. What a wonderful friend we have in our Creator.
Anonymous said…
ok; I meant "only" not "on". But hopfully you got that part of it. I know you have excellent opportunities an our Father is going to continue to show them to you untill he takes you to them. tmp

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