
Showing posts from 2018

17 for 17 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Over a year since I have posted.  And today I am compelled.  I often think to blog life, what God is teaching me, and processing my thinking around life, but don't.  Today I do.  It is so appropriate that my teenage daughter is the driving force that prompted my own seventeen minutes of silence to express whatever it is that I'm trying to express.  As an educator for over 20 years, I spent time today reflecting on the beauty that each child brings into this world, even the children that drove me nuts or pushed my buttons over the years.  I watch snap-chats of students at my daughter's high school as they stand silent in honor of the 17 that were senseless victims in Florida.  I know that no words that display on this page could express my heart for the families that lost their beautiful, intelligent, funny, incredible human beings in yet another event that should never have taken place.  My heart for the families that lost the adults - that died trying to save children'