
Showing posts from April, 2012

Hole in my heart.

I am currently reading a book "Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. It certainly is a challenge to work through - I am truly open to learning what God wants me to learn through this text. I started it on my way to India, and it has sat for weeks. Part of me wants to just not work and read it to the end. Another part, to put it back on the shelf. I feel I have some things in common with Stearns. One thing being this - I would not be the man I am today if it weren't for my wife, my superstar. I would not have spent years pushing into what it really means to follow Jesus. And I am thankful for this gift from God. She is beautiful. Did I mention steaming hot? She is a woman of God. She self admittedly has her faults that God continues to refine. But she is open to His teaching, and I learn from her each week. I praise God for her. Amen. Back to the book. This is one thing I have learned from the book - check that - was reminded of by the book. I already k

More class.

Over the last several months, I have felt as if God was leading me to perhaps another job with another company/school system. I had initially been told that my position was only good through summer 2012, and that was the beginning of a search. I made it through several layers of interviews with several different opportunities. One led a good friend's daughter to enter the lottery for a school, in which she won a seat for next year. But I didn't get that position. I wonder if that was simply God's hand in leading this great young lady and family to a higher quality school. If that is true, I celebrate the mystery of how God works when you are open to listening to His promptings. Another opportunity resulted in a closed door, but I am actually going to have lunch with the HR person as she wants to pick my brain on leadership development. I am uncertain what will happen through that conversation, but I was not selected for that position. Finally, another opportunity c

This moment.

I have been well pleased with life as of late. My life is something to celebrate. God has given me the best wife in the world. I am blown away each day with how she lives her life. God has been pressing into me 'SERVE' for a few months now, and I am still not really clear why He continuously gives me this message. Boy, that sentence sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it? I know God wants us to serve. He wants us to serve Him first. He wants us to then serve others. Before doing any kind of serving of our own needs and desires. And my superstar is a model of that. She serves from the moment she wakes until the moment she lays down. Or maybe until it is time to have ice cream? And God reminded me yesterday that superstar is a good model to follow. That I should be serving others before I get to my needs. And yet, yesterday I felt like Satan was tricking me into thinking my needs and desires should come first. With a lot of unknown in jobs and what is going on with