
Showing posts from January, 2015

Re-Create my Re-Creation.

2015 is going to be more as I previously posted.  I am working on the once a week posting, and I just couldn't dial a few things in to post about.  But here I am.  In working through some things in our huddle, I have known for well over a year now that my current position has put our family out of whack as far as rhythm of life, and have not felt comfort in my spirit about how that plays out in the day to day.  Driving an hour to work and an hour back on top of a rigorous schedule does not allow a lot of time to 're-create' in the way God desires.  But one of the things I have really been pushing into is answering the question: "What re-creates me?"  And I mean this in the spiritual sense.  God created the world in six days, and I would say this type of work seems a bit more complex than what any of us human idiots do in a week.  But then God rested, and further commanded all of us to rest on the sabbath.  Our society does not value the sabbath, but expects us to


This past year, the superstar and I joined a small group of sorts called a 'huddle'.  This group spends our weeks working through the 3dm book Building a Discipling Culture .  Let's be honest, the first year back in the D, I simply worked and slept for the most part.  Didn't really have margin in my life to engage with others in our faith, spend a lot of time meeting with other christian men, etc.  I did spend a lot of the year simply praying during my commute, and God certainly taught me much about prayer as a discipline.  I used to long to listen to NPR on the morning commute, now I simply want to spend time with Him.  Back to modern times.  This huddle has put me a space with superstar and some incredible other couples that are spending their lives pursuing Him.  Listening.  Prayerfully considering how to live their lives.  I missed this type of community in the move, and it was like unplugging from a power source and watching your battery percentage slip until you

Unlimited Possibilities

Well, December's blogiversary came and went, and it was the first year in many that I didn't actually post on it.  Matter of fact, I posted that I was going to work to be better at posting, and I didn't.  But in my quiet time and prayer, I realized how much blogging actually helped me over the last few years to grow in maturity and in my relationship with God.  So one of my new year's resolutions this year is to commit to blogging more regularly so that I can spend that time processing life and what is happening around my world.  The last year and half back in MI has been challenging.  Once again taking all that is normal, tipping that cart over and starting afresh.  New home.  New neighbors.  New job role.  New things to learn.  I spent probably at least the first year just trying to keep my head above water to be honest.  Waves of life crashing onto my shore, sometimes feeling like hurricane force.  I mostly just tried to stay on the shore that is Jesus, and not get