The Girls are back in town

Superstar and the girls went to Fla for a break, and they came back last night. I don't know that I missed my wife that much in previous years. I love her so much it makes me sick of myself when I look at her. Of course, I missed all the giggling that usually goes on in my house. It was also a good time for me to do some reflection, etc. Life is grand. Who cares if we're going to live in a small apartment, as long as I can hug my wife and my girls, and we can giggle, life will continue to be grand.
My new found friendships are deepening. It's as if my old freindships need to change in order for me to work on the new ones. That is a hard position to be in, as I long to build my new friendships, yet I don't want to give up my old friendships, not making any old jokes here. Sick Pete is helping me with all of my happenings. What if they had not listened-I think it would be tougher-they being the P family. Sick Pete, Sick Mother, sick k1, sickk2, sickk3, etc.
Met with the Pastor again this week. I wouldn't say that I have been struggling with a person at work, but it definitely is an ongoing battle, and I am certain that satan tricks her into power search, controlling issues, intimidation, and games and schemes. I have never met someone that treats people so rudely, and for the most part it is not when they are present. So I'm reading Matthew again, as the Pastor suggested the gospels to keep focused on how Jesus led his life. I have committed to the Old Testament with my new set of eyes since the awakening, but today, I skipped the OT for Matthew alone. Five talks about praying for this kind of person. I have given the advice of praying for adversaries many times, and it has definitely changed my own heart with other relationships, but this person has challenged my own best advice. I told Pastor, I can't pray for this person, and I've even told God that. He said that's a good step, but what if Jesus showed up to your office, and showed you the wounds that he endured for my sins. (((Tears, humility, tears, humility))) Thanks Pastor for being the one to refocus my eyes on the prize.


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