Perspective on Perspectives

Today I am emboldened by the perspecitve reminder that I get from pastor here. It is just a reminder to me that we are running a race, and it takes 'home training' to win at this race. Along the course are obstacles and hurdles. Some of them jump up and grab you and throw you to the ground. But we must get up. Continue. Strive to win the race before us.
This weekend, 12 brave men will journey to LBI, where the photo on this blog heading was taken. I think I might need warmer clothes than there are in the picture. My perspecive on these men continues to evolve as I push forward. I 'treasure' this weekend as a time to push into following the course of this race we are running. If you had told me five years ago that I would be living in NYC, starting a church, and leading a men's retreat on the island, I may have laughed at you. Now, I am honored and humbled to be in His presence. Pray for these men this weekend as we push into the treasure chest and see what we find.......


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