Are you still so dull?

Are you prepared, because as I sit and know I have some things to blog about, I already know that this is going to be a LONG post. So grab a cup of coffee, a beer, snacks, your snuggie, and whatever you need to get comfortable. This is going to take a while. Or if you thought to yourself, 'self, I'm just going to check T$'s blog right quick because I have a minute', today is not that day. Go on, get your things and it'll be right here when you come back.

Ready now?

Onward then:

-First up for bids. I know if you read this that you have heard me talk of my mother's death. I do want to say that my father continues to teach me, even as I am a full grown (not in my maturiry) adult. I have been frightened to the bones and the corpuscles by the thought of losing my wife at any point in time. Save the thought of losing her after 40 some years of life together. I know by his own admission that he has had some tough days, and that is to be expected. But he continues to teach me about pushing on, even after tough things happen. He continues to teach me about joy and engagement with those you love. It is an honor to me to share his name and to be a man that demonstrates what he has done in my life, and I try to do that each day.

-I am continually encouraged by God in a variety of things that I am involved in. It has been a challenging year, but I have tried to push into what it is I am doing here in NYC, and what God wants me to do today. In all humility, I serve others in a leadership position. There have been times over the last couple of years where I have questioned God and myself on what I am doing. And just when I am saying to God - are you sure this is helping, or something like that, I get an email from one of my direct reports from last year that from henceforth thereunto will be knownst as "The Natural Disaster":

Just wanted to drop you a line and say wassup!! Through my grad work, I'm currently taking a course on management and leadership. In examining different leadership styles, and sharing stories/experiences with others in my class, it gave me the chance to reflect on how lucky I was to have worked so closely with you last year. As jealous as I am that you are no longer with us, I am eternally grateful to have been able to scoop up a few nuggets of knowledge that you dropped on us last year. Especially as I come to realize that not everyone gets the opportunity to work with someone like you.

Washington, Lincoln, Lombardi, Wooden, Kryzewski, Obama....Kelly II !!!!!

You must understand his sense of humor to completely understand the email, but his words really lifted me up, and I am eternally greatful that he took the time to send me these few words.

-Last weekend was the men's weekend on LBI, and I know that God has been prompting me to do something like this for at least a year, maybe two. The men that attended and engaged with God, the Holy Spirit, and each other really blew me away. The conversations that I had with men reminded me of the brokenness of this world and the simplicity of pouring into each other. It reminded me of the fact that powers and principalities in this world fight to tell us we deserve things that God does not treasure. It reminded me that men in this world do not have role models or conversations on their struggles or spend time caring about each others' gogdliness. I am so excited to see what God will do with the seeds that were planted, and I pray for the men to protect those seeds.

-I love my wife. She is beautiful and graceful and my world is complete because she 'rounds my edges'. I care so deeply for her, and yet I don't tell her enough. I wish that I could spend my days talking to her, and if you know me, you know how much I love to talk. (HA) I need to pay more attention to her in every day that I have.

-I am sucking at my goal of a date a month with each of my girls so far.

-I am blessed by people that God puts into my life. At work. In my neighborhood. On the plane. In the cab. On the train. On the phone. In my classes. The people that I come into contact with are gifts from God that enhance my lifetime. And I love them.

-Are you so dull? Do you still not understand? Life is a gift. Each day is a gift. I was reminded of that yet again today as I sat in a room of leaders pushing into themselves that each day counts. Each person counts. And we need to love them.


Superstar said…
Hey, you aren't sucking on the date nights. You had one with Alli. Sat you can have one with Liv. And, although it doesn't look like we will get one in January, I will make SURE we do soon.
Craig Mayes said…
Finally got around to reading this. Hey- you said it would be long and to not read if it was a day when I was in a hurry. So- a week later, I get to it. Love your writing, your thoughts, the journey you are on- and that I am on the ride with you.

17 days till Daytona!

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