A new year. A new You.

2010 is down the tubes as far as everyone is concerned. Over Rover. It's the end, friend. Already two days into 2011. Hard to believe that is the year - 20 11. Twenty eleven. (Let's stop with the two thousand thing already.) Last year brought much humility to me again as I continue to try my best to 'follow' as Jesus has asked me to do. I have come to the foregone conclusion that doing so is certainly hard to do - challenging, disruptive, even painful at times, difficult, includes suffering, and at times makes you think you just might have lost your mind, or you are about to because the world likes to punch you in the face - or worse, in other parts of your body. As I went for a run today in the park, (yes, it was at least 49 degrees here today, and running with snow surrounding you is quite a joy) I was encouraged by the words God gave me as I ran. Often, running is a time for me to spend in prayer and listen to God, and today here are the things I heard: A New year. A new you. New grace. New work. New friends. New interests. New places. New people. New. New small group. New neighbors. New school. New challenges. New interests. New love.
New almost doesn't even seem like a word anymore, does it? We talked about new beginnings at communitas today, and pastor rocked it out with a task of filling in the timeline of your life. Psalms 90 says 80 years, if we have the strength. I am past half way. looking at Alli and Liv's, they didn't need to fill in much. But the way we did it, one inch = one year. So if we are truly following Jesus, what will we choose to put in the white space? What will we do with this year? What will we do with our lives? I had the opportunity to have a conversation with a family member whilst I was in Michigan, and this is someone I have always looked up to. We enjoyed a beverage and a deep conversation on religion, life, the bible, Jesus, church, family, and the like. What an honor it was for me to spend time talking about what we value as important, and the track God has him on right now. Looking back at Twenty Ten, I see what I chose to fill in my inch of white space with. Some great things. Some stupid idiotic choices. Some experiences and opportunities I NEVER thought would happen in my life. And each of those things were because I choose to follow Jesus. He put me in places I never thought I would be, and certainly in places I did NOT want to be. But I trust Him more today than ever. So my white spaces will include the following this year:
-Time to journal each day and read the bible
-A date with each of the k girls each month
-Seeing the world with new eyes in all that I do
-Trusting God with the areas of my life I struggle
-Seeking the counsel of other men
-Doing my best to pour into others before pouring into me

So for Twenty Twelve, I hope to look back at Twenty Eleven and say to my self "Self, you did what you said you would. Now let's look at the next inch of white space and see what we can do with it. Jesus, help me to see what you want in my white space. Please."


Superstar said…
Looking forward to spending this next "inch" with you.

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