The illusion of time.

Tomorrow, it will be 41 years of life for T$, and there have been many days and events that certainly could have led to my death. God for some reason continues to provide me with the breath of life, and in the era of Thanksgiving, I am thankful that God continues to bless me. Time off of work comes when I really need it, and I am thankful that I get to work with some great people. This week, I really feel as if God opened my eyes to enjoying the moment at work. I am really trying to engage with staff members, and it is making each day more enjoyable. In my struggles with some challenging situations in my work world, there are four people that I really am extra grateful. One is pastor. I am thankful that he chooses to pour time into my and my spiritual well being. He doesn't have to do that, but he chooses to. There are certainly others that have a greater need, but he spends time with me to be sure that I am challenging myself and that my soul is in the right place. Thank you #1. Another is the aussie. I don't know that I have ever worked with anyone that would take the time to pray at work, during a task, etc., on such a regular basis. Because of his willingness to do that, I find myself now being this bold. Watching and listening to his walk with Christ in his own life inspires me to follow Jesus with more ferver. Thank you #2. A third member of the T$ coalition for Christ is rockinthemic. My new found borriqua friend that has a sense of humor much like mine. I left many good friends in MI when we moved, but God (I am certain) put rockinthemic in my life so I could find joy in all things. He listens to me, he makes me laugh every time we spend time together, and he invents his own new dance crazes regularly at 3am on the streets of Brooklyn. Lastly, superstar loves me, even when I come home stressed, angry, upset, or detached from life. Her simple touch and loving gaze brings me to today and lifts me up when I'm down. Thanks to all 4 specialists in my life.

This being the first Thanksgiving without my mother has been easier for me than I anticipated. There have been moments of grief without her, but I again know that God is always with me, and I am certain that those that are praying the holidays will be filled with comfort and peace is being heard by my Lord, and his angels are providing me with a peace that is incomprehensible. Happy Thanksgiving to all, and thank you Jesus for bringing me the love of our Father in heaven. Praising the time we all have on this earth. Amen.


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Superstar said…
Glad I made the honorable mention list. Love you so much!

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