Ice Jam

Today, as I sat in my park on the banks of the river, I saw the first time this winter a complete ice jam as far as my eyes could scan. Up until this point it has either not been completely frozen, or too dark to see if it was, not sure which. But as the sun rose today, I could see, and it was all ice. I associated my place in life right now with that of the ice chunks. I am seemingly frozen in this place for now, and I await the time when God will thaw the frozen chunks of home sales and time to move. I look to the shores and see where I am now, and see the beauty of the lands around me. I look behind me and start to see the elements of time and space that only God could lead me to understand and identify as building blocks to who I am, where I am going, and who God wants me to be. Best of all, I look downriver to where I will one day meet up with His plan and His love and grace for my life. I need not paddle before He thaws the ice chunks that stand in the way. Yet, it is hard to be frozen. It is the most challenging thing I may have faced in my lifetime. I can see downriver, but I must be patient and await the thaw of a lifetime. I must enjoy the sun warming my heart on cold days, and the birds that fly over my head. I must see the glory in all that surrounds me today, and wait for a better tomorrow. And so I will wait upon the Lord and seek His plan, not mine. Easy to say. Easy to write. Not that easy to live out day to day, but I am committed to doing my best each day and hoping that God will reveal what today I must do.


Superstar said…
Oh, I totally love this visual picture! Here comes the, Here comes the sun....And I say....It's alright....
I watched the ice jam today up in Port Huron, but didn't have the deep thoughts you shared. I was moved by them, brother! And I think we are in your future, downstream!

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