I did it, and I'm proud.

Today's workout in my quest from Couch Potato to 5K was the toughest step up that I have had to make to date. The first time I looked at it was on Sunday, and I thought the increments would me moderate, as they have been to date. Not so much as my friend benzr likes to say. I have been modifying the first day of this week which is basically running for the maximum time of five minutes at a pop. Today, which was supposed to happen yesterday but I was illin like a megavillain, the workout was walk 5 minutes run for 8, walk five minutes, run for 8. I have not run for 8 minutes straight since I was in high school. I was thinking I would not be able to do it, and honestly, I thought if I did it on the treadmill I would have to stop, I wouldn't make it. So I went up to my old school, and ran the halls. And I did it. I did it. I did it. I am proud of myself, even if I don't deserve it.

So what did I learn from this?

I learned that even if you think something is not possible. Or if you can't do x unless y happens. Or you don't think that something is possible. It is, and if you work at it, it can happen. God again shows me that all things are possible with Him in control and me letting Him lead the way. Trust Him, remember?


From one couch potato to another, I look forward to running with you in NYC.

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